How can I participate in the 360º Challenge?
This is the protocol for the registration in the 360º Challenge.
You must fill the race entry following this link. You will need to fill out a generic form and we’ll also ask you to fill some specific questions regarding your abilities for the 360º The Challenge.
The runner will pay the registration fee. The organization will have 25 days to consider an application accepted or denied. If the request is denied, the organization will reimburse the total amount of the registration to the runner.
The organization’s decision to consider a runner’s candidacy “accepted” or “denied” will be unappealable. The race will also have the right to deny a race entry if the medical certificate is not correct.
The organization will close registration after reaching the maximum number of accepted candidacies
Information and characteristics
360º The Challenge is an individual, self-sufficiency challenge. It is intended to be completed before the time limit the organization will state. Participation in this challenge will be strictly individual.
Participants must dominate some necessary techniques to be accepted in the race: orientation, capability of supporting drastic changes of weather conditions, ability to assist other runners in case of emergency, tolerance to fatigue and lack of sleep and food.
The course will not be marked. The runners must follow the track that the organization will handle before the race.
The challenge will be completed in self-sufficiency. Runners must plan their own resting periods and feeding hours. Along the course, they will have basecamps where they will be fed and have the chance to rest.
Runners can purchase food and beverage in any other stores they have along the course.
External assistance will only be allowed in the basecamps. Any external assistance the runners receive during the track will be punished.